So Much on my Mind…
I’ve been trying to come up with a good topic to write about for the past day and a half. My thoughts are all jumbled with no clear idea or plan. I decided to just start writing and sharing what’s on my heart today. So here goes…
I woke up this morning with this sense of being so overwhelmed. It was debilitating for much of the day. If you’re like me and have days like this, you have no idea what is causing it or what to do. For me, the first thing I do, is to pull out my bible, daily devotional book and prayer journal and spend time with my Savior Jesus Christ.
Last summer, I felt this pull to a devotional I had used in the past called Jesus Calling. It kept showing up over a period of weeks for me. A friend on Facebook is doing a daily video blog on Facebook each day. Another friend posted a picture of her by a lake one morning with her Jesus Calling book. The third pull was when I was with my best friend at her dad and stepmom’s home and there was a copy of the devotional book sitting by their chairs. I inquired about the book and her stepmom stated, we read it every morning together. I couldn’t wait to get home and pull mine out. I may be stubborn, but I knew God was telling me to open the book. Since I started reading that devotional book everyday, I feel like each entry was written just for me! God has been preparing me for a journey and teaching me new things along the way. For example, patience. Patience is not one of my gifts. I want everything to happen now and think that the timetable that I have in my head is God’s timetable. A couple quotes from the January 6 entry. “Do not be discouraged by the fact that many of your prayers are yet unanswered. Time is a trainer, teaching you to wait upon Me in the dark.” The other thing that I am learning is about God’s peace. “The more extreme your circumstances, the more likely you are to see My Power and Glory at work in the situation. Instead of letting difficulties draw you into worrying, try to view them as setting the scene for My Glorious intervention.”
I mentioned a journey that Jesus is preparing me for. That journey or put another way, wild ride I am on, is my business called Learning for Life, LLC. I spoke with a contact yesterday that used the phrase edupeneur. The definition of edupeneur is an educator that has moved into the entrepreneurial arena. To say I feel ill equipped in the entrepreneurial arena is vastly understated. My father was a businessman and my brother is definitely an entrepreneur. Somehow those gifts did not wind up in my DNA, However, I am crazy enough and feel that God is pushing me in this direction that I must follow and see what happens. Now with that said, that doesn’t mean that it is smooth sailing. Far from it. I am learning so much and being pulled in so many directions and I’m off balance much of the time because what I am learning is so foreign to me. I am in the process of preparing for a virtual summit event to officially launch my business. I have been contacting speakers and am excited about the people that have committed to being a part of the event. I am grateful and humbled at their willingness to participate. The topic of the event is Achieving Students Best Outcomes: Different Paths to Success.Today the to-do was so long and continues to be that I just wasn’t able to cope.
So here I sit, pouring my heart out in this blog post because I feel that is what God is calling me to do. I hope something I said in here resonated with you and hopefully provided a bit of encouragement that in spite of the bad days, Jesus is the peace in the storm and has a timetable. Trust Him and the timetable and wait on Him to reveal all that we can ask or imagine. I know that is what I am doing. Waiting… patiently (haha) and expectantly to see what God has for me in 2021 and beyond.
I had so much more on my mind but that just might have to be tomorrow’s post. What is on your mind? Where do you see God working in your life? I would LOVE to hear what you are experiencing right now too. Click the link below and share with me.
“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”
― Frederick Douglass
The joy is in the journey!
Blessings and Peace,
PS: Thank you for reading my blog. I would love to get to know you and learn how I can be of help to you. Please take a moment to click this link and share your information with me. I would LOVE to hear from you.