Hello, It’s Me Again
This has been quite the journey. The last blog post I wrote was April 21, 2021! The next day I woke up with COVID. That was a horrible experience for me. Much worse than many people I know, but not so bad that I was hospitalized. However, my journey with the COVID virus kept me in bed for three weeks. During those three weeks, one day I was so miserable all I would do is sleep and then the next I would feel somewhat normal and entertain hope that the virus was coming to an end. How wrong I was. This up and down cycle went on for THREE weeks. I remember feeling guilty that I didn’t feel better, that I couldn’t get out of bed. People would call or text and ask me how I was doing and admitting I wasn’t feeling well or doing well made me feel weak. I felt like I should be able to just get up and be done with this illness. When the virus finally lifted I thought everything would go back to normal. How wrong I was. Next, I was hit with terrible mental fog and depression. I couldn’t remember anything and I was hardly functioning. Another symptom, I lost all interest in my business and my passion for all things relating to education were gone. I didn’t know what to do with those feelings.
Since that point, I have been in a place of waiting. Waiting on the Lord to show me what my next steps are. I still don’t have an answer but I received a message from a friend yesterday saying she saw my blog and had been reading and wanted to know about my business. I have to admit that sparked something within me. I have two passions in life: my relationship with Jesus Christ and my vocation in education with a focus on literacy, and specifically struggling readers. I desire to help people. I LOVE learning and I LOVE sharing what I learn with others. I LOVE troubleshooting and brainstorming with people. That one message from a colleague whom I hold in high esteem, prompted me to write again. It is a good reminder what an encouraging word can do for someone. As I continue to wait on the Lord, I will start to dip my toe in the pond again and see where it takes me. On to the next chapter! I invite you on the journey with me.
I would LOVE to hear from you. You can contact me at mary.learn4life@gmail.com
The joy is in the journey!